Ear Specialist Doctors
Ear specialist doctors practice best medicine in a medical field called Otology.
Otology is a subspecialty of ear specialist doctors involving the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions and diseases that affect the three parts of the ear (outer ear, middle ear, inner ear) including the special sense of balance and hearing.
Ear specialist doctors often see common ear conditions that affect the outer ear include outer ear infection (acute otitis externa), foreign body in ear canal, ear wax, skin disease like allergic contact dermatitis of the pinna.
At other times, ear specialist doctors are called to treat ear conditions that affect the middle ear include acute middle ear infections (acute otitis media), chronic ear infections (chronic otitis media).
Conditions that may affect the inner ear include tinnitus (buzzing sound in ear) and vertigo (sensation of movement) which are common distressing symptoms that present to the ear specialist doctors.
Other conditions like Bell's palsy, facial nerve disorders, ear trauma are also treatable by ear specialist doctors.
Hearing tests and balance testing can be arranged to be done best by ear specialist doctors.
If you are looking for the best ear specialist doctors, check out our ENT Doctors Singapore site for the best listing of the Ear Nose Throat specialist doctors in Singapore.